Friday, 24 May 2013

My Excuse and Announcement

Some of you have read my blog series, "A Guide to the ancient country of Persia".
This is a translation from what I have written in Japanese on another social network.

I have to say, this is unexpectedly...


By this, I realized my English skill is not up to writing anything longer than 200 words...

So, I tried to use Google translation. Well, I input whole sentences and the out-put was totally not understandable.

When I asked my husband to read my first blog after I translated, he told me to re-write most of them as he did not understand.

(°_°) .......


If I look back, my language skill of English achieved at the peak when I was working as a graphic designer nearly 10 years ago. 

At that time, I read weekend newspapers constantly. The best of all, I was the only Japanese parson in the office  so I was forced to use English all the time. In fact, I had some occasions to struggle to speak Japanese with the client...  Vocabulary disappears from my head gradually... 

Now, I am trying not to speak English at home due to teaching Japanese to my children. It's not too much to say just 10 minuets conversation with children's parents at school run is the only chance.

I read newspaper online in Japanese. It's too easy to purchase Japanese literature online recently.

No doubt my English skill rolling down the hill

I made up my mind.

I am going to take this chance to brush up English again!

Here is something I found when I was tidying up my home library. A text book I learnt English when I came over to UK first time.  It's a sing of "hey, it's time to study!"

Ok, I announced. You have to watch me out.


Oh, ok, Sweets...
There is not that notable event in June.
The temperature is struggle to climb up, so I am not tempted to make Summer sweets, yet.

I wonder when British summer comes.

Is there any request for next month?


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