Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Easter Opening Hours

 The winds are still cold, but the sunny spots are indead "spring has come".

How are you dealing with the Clock Chager during the weekend? I just cannot get used to. I get something like a jet lag with this 1 hour shift. It will take about 2 weeks to adjust to this Summer time. 


Here is the Easter Opening Hours 2021!

Good Friday 2nd April  - Open- from 9am to 3pm.

Saturday 3rd April - Open - from 9am to 3pm

Easter Sunday 4th April -Closed-

Easter Monday 5th April - Closed -

Tuesday 6th April  - Closed -

Wednesday 7th April - Open - from 9am to 3pm. 

Sorry for the inconvenience it may cause. 


Let's go picnic with a Bento!

Mix Katsu Lunch is very popular!
We use compostable packages. 
Please rinse and dry for recycling, 
otherwise, please bin into a compost bin or general bin.
Thank you.

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