Sunday, 21 December 2014

Seasonal Greeting

Dear customers and friends,
I have bought boxes of Christmas Cards and haven't written any... I am so sorry, but I have given up posting those now.
I had really exciting year as you all came to see me at my cafe.
There was ups and downs emotionally, but works of cafe always gave power. Sometimes I needed to make sweets night and day to forget everything, sometimes I was having so much fun talking with customers and burnt my important pans!
Anyway, I recognized I like cooking and baking more than I thought.
In 2015, I will make my cafe very relaxing. It would be lovely, if you feel your power is charged up when you leave my cafe.
I will be there till the last day of 2014, apart from 24, 25, 26 and 28th December.
I sincerely hope you all have lovely Christmas and New Year!
Noriko x
2015 is Sheep's year.
I am thinking about sweets shape of this round one.

Saturday, 13 December 2014

Opening hours of Christmas and New Year's Day

After long recovery, I have just managed to get back on my feet again.

So now I can announce the opening hours and events for this festive period.


Opening hours and events to come

Dec. 22nd(Mon)11:00-15:00 or 18:00 Pumpkin fair
   23rd(Tue) 11:00-15:00 19:00~Language Exchange 
   24th(Wed) Closed
   25th(Thu) Closed
   26th(Fri) Closed
   27th(Sat) 11:00-15:00 or 18:00
   28th(Sun) Closed
   29th(Mon) 11:00-15:00 or 18:00
   30th(Tue) 11:00-15:00 19:00~End of year Clearance
  31st(Wed) 11:00-15:00 End of year noodles Fair
Jan. 1st (Thu) Closed
   2nd(Fri) Closed
   3rd(Sat) Closed
   4th(Sun) Closed
   5th(Mon) 11:00ー14:00 


On 22nd, it's the Mid-winter Day. Japanese eat pumpkin on this day to hope good health through coming cold winter.
I will serve 3 course with pumpkin specially on this day!

 Spiced Kabocha pumpkin soup
 Pumpkin Corroquets Lunch
 Kabocha Pumpkin custard Tart or Kabocha Pumpkin Kintsuba


On 23rd, it's the English/Japanese language exchange session in the evening.
This time, Theme is Christmas in Japan and England.

Let's talk about the difference between Christmas in Japan and Christmas in England.
Some typical Japanese Christmas foods will be served! (non-alcohol, please!)


On 27th, I am planning to serve Wagashi afternoon tea.
You will get Sushi, Baked sweets, and Seasonal Jo-namagashi.
More information will come soon.


 On 30th, it's a big cleaning time!
In the evening, I will polish the cafe to prepare the new year.
If  you are willing to help me, please come along. (-_')b


31st is the big day in an-an.

I will sell mini-Osechi (New Year's Day bento box).
So many good luck items in the box for longing the happiness in the coming year.
If you like to order, please email me.

here is some ideas... sorry in Japanese!
(You may find this information helps...

£12.00 each for the special bento box.

I will serve Soba noodle in hot broth with tempra.
£3.38 for Eat in or Take away.


Let's get ready for the happy healthy new year 2015!


和 Cafe an-an
27 Boundary Road,
East Sussex

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Learning till I die.

It's my Motto.


Thankfully, my cafe is having more customers who are interested in what they eat.

Well, "Japanese Food" tends to be "Healthy food" in British people's idea. Some of the dishes are not healthy, but I could not help loosing words in some dishes.

For example, I could not say "yes/no" without any hesitation, when I was asked for the agreement to "Sushi is healthy, isn't it?!"


Before I opened my Cafe, I had an idea of displaying a lot of small side dishes for sale...
But once I started checking the ingredients of ready made Japanese side dishes, I thought I should give them up.

There were so many unknown ingredients and chemicals... Some chemicals are come from natural source, but it's too hard to distinguish what is good and what is not so good by my limited knowledge of food.


I am surprised by so many people who are suffered from some kind of allergy and food intolerance. They need to choose what they eat in the very limited menu out side of their house.

Luckily, I don't have any eating difficulties, but I needed to study about allergy as my son had to have a very strict diet without any nuts and sesame seeds.

I always carried Epi pends and anti-histamine Syrup in my bag whenever eating out with my son. He is now 10 years old and better dealing with the problem.

However, some problem happens time to time. Even if we make sure the dish does not contain any sesame seeds, my son's got a reaction. It was Gyoza dumpling in one of a Sushi Bar. I tried it and tasted Hoising Sauce. It contains Sesame seeds paste. I talked the shop manager, but she did not believe me as it was not listed.  We often disappointed when we order Cucumber rolls in most of Sushi Chains and Supermarket packs. Sesame seeds are always hidden in the rice...

I just want to make my cafe for those people to enjoy food safely.
I will be dead honest about what in the sauce I use. Please always ask me if you are in doubt.
It's not easy to make Japanese meals to show all, as most of sauces are not domestically made... it means I cannot make them from simple salt and peppers... But I will show the list of ingredients if you like.

Nuts, Sesame seeds, Eggs, Fish, Soy beans, MSG, Wheat and Gluten...

Endless list I need to check.
If you care about diabetics, even the list will be longer!!!


One day, I had a customer who is a vegetarian with gluten intolerance.
At the moment, I could not serve any of usual menu for her.
She told me the way to get around this problem.
Just one ingredients I change, I can serve more menu to more people who has gluten intolerance!

It's Tamari Soy Sauce!

For me, Tamari means soy sauce for Sushi or Sashimi. Traditionally, Tamari is made only with Soy beans (normal soy sauce are made with about 50% Soy Beans and 50 % wheats) and rice.
These days, not only Tamari are made from 100% Soy beans, but i found it here.

I can prepare Sushi and Teriyaki Tofu lunch for her in my cafe. I can extend more...

Since I opened this cafe, I have learnt a lot about Japanese Food from my customers .
I re-investigate so many things which are regarded as "just Japanese Foods". How interesting!

I really want to serve food everybody can enjoy  without any concerns about not feeling well afterwords.
I will receive Brown rice soon. I shall start serving it, too.

Sunday, 2 November 2014


Unbelievably warm days... How are you doing?
It was very stormy outside today, but winds are not cold at all!
I could go out without a winter coat.
Very strange.


Apology for taking random closing of an-an cafe in the past few weeks. It's been over 4 months since I started this cafe, I needed time to resolve a pressure of running this business by myself.
The trigger was ... maybe the accident happened at the beginning of  October.
I was very down and could not settle down at all. There were so many things need to be done, but I even could not know where to start with. I was also very anxious if I could carry on this business like this.

But I am fine now. I had some time to think about it. The answer was "No going back. No looking back.".
Sometimes, I will need to have some time off from this cafe to keep myself on the track. I will come back, so don't give up on me!!! Anyway, I will let you know when I will need time well in advance.
Now I should be ok at least for a few month, though.


So, I already finished the first sales in November. It was at Croydon Japanese School HuruhonIchi.
Thank you for people and friends who bought my sweets. I am so sorry I could not make enough.
Actually, There are some sweets could not make the sales...

I am thinking about sales at some places in Brighton again... a little by little...。

November, 3rd(Monday・・・well, tomorrow?)Japanese toddler group (Cornerstones Church, Hove)
from around 10am. If the weather is bad, it will be postponed to 17th. Sorry for the short notice.

November, 8th (Saturday)Brighton & Hove Japanese Club
2:00 - 4:00 pm. If it is dry, I will be in the parking area. If it is wet, I will be in the main Hall.

November 18th (Tuesday)Japanese Cafe an-an
7pm -9pm  Japanese and English language exchange session. If you want to talk in Japanese, please join us. Maximum number of people is 8. Fee- £5.00 (One drink and nibbles)


November's sweets・・・

You can chose Pumpkin or chunky adzuki beans.
Dorayaki (Pancake sandwich) 3 filling to chose.
Satsuma Daifuku (Mochi) is a Limited edition till Christmas.
Chestnuts cake is out of stock. But I will make it very soon.

If you want to buy more than 10 sweets, please make an order in advance.
Sweet are not delivered now. Only delivered by a courier, using next day guaranteed. Therefore, please mind the Courier delivery charge will be added separately.


November seems to be another unstable months.. I mean weather.
Please take care of yourselves. We need to get ready for Christmas soon. ww

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Cafe is closed today.

Due to hospital appointment, cafe is closed for today.

It will open at 10am as usual.

Sorry for inconvenience.

Friday, 3 October 2014

When I realized... It's already in October!

Seriously, I just did not know how fast time goes after I opened my Cafe.

It's a really problem.
I have so many things to do and plan, only time goes by.

・・・Anyway, I managed to bake 60 Chestnuts cakes last night.

These are some I made last year... this year, 
they are not as pretty as these... why?

Tomorrow, I have planned to steam Kimi-Shigure. Well, my to-do list carries on and on...

I don't want to believe, it's already in October.

This year the weather is too mild... yes, it's still just like summer during midday. Nice and sunny... not a lot of rain nor wind.
This should be a season for strong rain and gust... right?

This month's sweet "Kimi-Shigure".
"Shigure" represents the surface of soil after large rain falls and dry period. You will see a lot of cracking on the soil.
This year, no rain before dry period, so not a lot of "Shigure" can be seen....


Here is an announcement.

Next weekend, 11th and 12th of October, I will have a stall in a large event of traditional Japaneses Flower Arrangement Group, Ikenobo. There are a large number of exhibition as well as demonstrations by the future successor.

There was a request from them.

To make and serve some Traditonal Japanese sweets based on flowers and plants.

So I thought and thought.

There would be chestnuts, lespedeza, chrysanthemu, Japanese anemone, acer, ginkgo, rose and lavender, etc, etc... I am in the way of planning, so I still don't know what kind of sweets I can make.

If I have a chance, I would like to show some of photos here.


The hall is just 5 min on foot from East Croydon station. Could not be any more convenient.

To be honest, I really don't know about flower arrangement.
However, beautiful flowers lift me up whenever I am down. Maybe it's same that tasty sweets lifts me up... ? This could be a good chance to get know about traditional flower arrangements.

So I hope you enjoy "not-so-traditional" an-an's sweets in the event of "inventing-traditional" Ikenobo Flower Arrangements.

I strongly advice to book the ticket on line, 
but there also tickets available at the door on those days.

Monday, 22 September 2014

My new project

There are so many people suffered from food allergy and food intolerance.

My friend unfortunately developed a very difficult condition and she seems to loose any interest in eating food. Which is really sad for me. Especially, she was one of my favorite customers.

Currently, I have quite a lot of people who needs to be careful for what they put in their mouth around of me. My son is one of them. He has nuts and sesame seeds allergy, and I need to be careful for sesame seeds oil sneaking into any foods.

Therefore, I cannot help thinking about her case as well.

As well as my son's allergic reaction, there are quite similar foods triggers reactions. It could be something oily, or it could be foods with protein (such as gluten), or some kind of food with sugar (lactose etc).

So, I started to think about sweets doesn't contain any of above for my customers.

My friend, mentioned above, cannot eat wheat or sugar for her life. On top of that, she is advised by doctor to avoid any carbohydrate, oil apart from coconut oil, daily, some fiber rich veges, egg white and chili.

It means, "OK foods" can be counted no more than 20.

I checked Wiki and it recommends high protein + low fat diet. But, if I remove the foods above, I cannot cook anything in my cafe. Well, I cannot find any of my menu not using rice, soy sauce nor wheat flour.  


Now I am looking for an answer for her, who once enjoyed my sweets.

If I can find any hints to reach the answer, I will write another blog about this project.

For now, I am gazing at the book of  Standard Tables of Food Composition, which I have given at elementary school. I really like just looking at this text book and spend ages. Because of that, I can tell most of foods' composition even now. 

I really like using my brain to think about food.
However, it make me hungry after my brain consuming a lot of energy.

I should take bath and go to bed, before my brain started craving foods in the kitchen.

Good night. xx


This is my new sign.
I need to talk about this girl as well.
So many things to write on my blog!!! Hopefully soon....

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Holiday eve

2:30 am now.
I am in this situation.

When I made Gyoza skin dough and prepared for the filling, I realized there is no potato  starch left in the cupboard. 

I cannot process any more than this... I cannot roll the skin.

Moreover, this is Sunday early morning, so no shop is open (I really wished if I were in Japan. at least , Convenience stores are open through the night even during weekends.)

If I go to my cafe, I have some... but is it worth driving in the dark for 15 min one way?

Or, maybe I should go to the nearest corner shop to buy cornstarch first in the morning?

Anyway, I still need to prepare for Beef & Potato Korroke and Chicken Katsu...


... and, an-an will set off for holiday in 5 hours time. 

you may think what I am doing just before the holiday? 
There is nothing in the cafe to open on my return from the holiday. 
I cannot enjoy my holiday just like this. 

So, an-an will re-open on 1st September. 

Please don't forget an-an till then...

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Pink, Yellow, Green and Purple...

It's been very hot and humid... It's a bit like Japanese wet season just before summer. 
How are you? I hope you can get good sleep at night. 

I just hope this is not THE British Summer...
Hopefully, dry and sunny days to be followed.

So, I would like to introduce some cool stuff before Summer finishes.

It's Frozen Smoothy!

I actually want to do flavored shaved ice, but I don't have right machine to make, so given up. 

Instead, I started making smoothies with frozen fruits, so it must be better than flavored shaved ice.

Drinking Shaved Ice!

Here is the list.

Strawberries and Bananas, Milk or Soy milk. If you want to make it sweeter, you can have it with a touch of honey. If you feel a bit tired, Strawberries' Vitamin C and Banana's Potassium will treat you right.

Mango & Peach, Apple juice
Mango's Vitamin A and Carotene will treat your tired eyes and protect them from strong sun shine. Folic Acid will prevent to damage brain cells... so, good for preventing dementia...Is it true?

Kiwi, Cucumber and Mint, Apple juice. Honey can be added as an option. 
Unexpectedly tasty. Very refreshing. 
It's full of Vitamin C! Mint will bring you apatite you lost because of this heat...

Blueberries & Blackberries, Milk or Soy milk. You can add Honey optionally. 
Blueberries and Blackberries have plenty of "anti-aging" chemicals. Zinc from Blueberries and manganese from Blackberries encourage your own immune system. Hair growth and reproduction system will have some effect. they will help metabolism if you take with good quality proteins, such as milk or soy milk. 

It's hard to take a good amount of nutrients in this hot weather, so you should try these smoothies! 
however, please note there are some allergen in the ingredients. Please tell me if you want to opt out any ingredients you may have reactions. We cannot be responsible towards any allergic reactions causing out products.

Get a 50p off voucher when you order lunch over £5.00 per person!

If you fancy Iced Coffee, You can try ours!

Sunday, 6 July 2014

It has already been two weeks... but still two weeks.

Only 10 days... only 4 hours on each day...

It's nothing if I put in numbers...

But I feel it had been much longer than two weeks.
I really underestimated what involves to run a cafe.

Thankfully, I already got some hard-core repeat costumers, who buy Ichigo Daifuku and Chicken Katsu Sando almost every day , and supported by the people who works in shops on the same street.

I was a bit worried that I only serve Filtered Coffee, instead of Italian style Cappuccino or Latte. But whoever tried the coffee, they said it's really good. Of course! I chose a good Colombian coffee for filter coffee as Japanese Cafes do. I am not a keen coffee drinker, but this coffee does not need any sugar nor milk to enjoy. It has just right bitterness and sourness.

Why don't you try Iced coffee???


This Saturday, 12th July, an-an will join the Summer Festival 2014 at Maeda Gakuen in Acton. This will be the 4th year to be there. It's so much fun.

I am not sure how many sweets I can make now, but I will do my best that many, many children can taste my handmade sweets.

The event is fab every year. There are so many things for children to do!!!
Games and tasty Japanese foods!!! It's just so much fun to just look around.

I wonder if Nagashi Somen (thin noodle coming down a cold stream. catch and dip in sauce to enjoy.)
will be there this year, too! Never forget Bon Odori (Japanese Dance)! All remind me of Japanese Summer Festival.

an-an also bring a lot of Summer Sweets!

Anmitsu (Agar Jelly with fruits and sweet Azuki paste)
Kuzu Mochi (Jelly eaten with black syrup and roasted soy flour)
Mizu Yokan (Agar Jelly with sweet Azuki paste or Green tea flavour)
Ichigo Daifuku (.... well, you know by now?)

I have a support member this year.
He cooks Taiyaki at the festival. He uses an-an's Azuki paste.
Let's see how hot the weather is going to be...

Anyway, I really hope to see you on the ground of Acton Maeda Gakuen on Saturday!


Place   Acton Nursery Play ground 
        Queens Drive Playing Field, 
        Queens Drive, Acton 
        W3 OHT

Time Saturday, 12th July 2014  
     11:30 Gate open
     12:00 program starts
     16:00 program finish
     17:00 Closing gate

                Admission  adult£3.00

                  children free

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

tick tack tick tack tick tack....

I am so sorry I haven't updated my blog for such a long time.
There is a something occupies in my mind so largely and it was so hard to write anything without mentioning about it.

So, I should have got the KEY last week, but it has not happen yet.
So, I cannot announce this exciting news...well, I should not get excited till i get the Key, though...

If you have heard from me or somebody else...The rumor is going around quite a bit already. But it is even not "under go", yet.

I made the offer at the beginning of March, so it's been almost 3 months. I just cannot help laughing about the speed of managing documentations here.

Only I could at the moment is "Waiting".
But, I really hate just "Waiting".

However, I cannot book any events in a month or two, as suddenly (could be next week?) I won't be allowed to do anything else but dealing with this. 

What can I do?

So I started practicing ... cooking.

The first, Chiken Katsu Curry.

Then, Chiken or Vege Gyoza (dumpling).

After that, also Teriyaki Chiken.

I have already cooked Yakisoba (Fried noodle) at the cafe, it should be OK.

...Finally, I managed to come across the highest hurdle of Japanese cuisine...


(This photo was taken at my home after I had a lesson with Toshi @oo-my. I will also plan to make Vegan Sushi... The avogado Gunkan on the right is the one.)


…Well, it's still my "dream" till all the documentation go through and get the key...

I hope the day my "Dream" turn into my "everyday life" comes soon...

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

April's Sweets and Sales

Hello, I hope you are enjoying this beautiful flowery season.
an-an is really excited Summer time had arrived and day gets longer and longer.

Moreover, it's the season for tasty Wagashi!!!


April's Sweets

Sakura Mochi(Doumyouji)・・・Smooth Adzuki Bean paste is wrapped in pink coarse sweet mochi. Leaves are edible. It's homemade pickled cherry leaves. If you haven't eaten, you should try! Suitable for Vegans.(£1.30/pcs)

Sanshoku Dango ・・・It's also known as Hanami Dango. Pink, white and green... pastel tricolor sweets on skewer. Green herb Yomogi gives minty taste. Suitable for Vegans.(£1.30/skewer)

Usagi Manju ・・・This was on sale in the moon ceremony last September and very popular. This Easter Bunny is made with White bean paste is wrapped by steamed wheat bread. Suitable for Vegans. (£1.30/pcs)

Hiyoko Manju ・・・Chick shaped baked cake. Plenty of eggs... even bean paste inside has custard flavor.  This is also for Easter.(£1.30/pcs)

Daifuku Mochi ・・・Smooth or chunky bean paste in mochi.(£1.00/pcs)


This month, Saturday Schools are off till the last week of this month.
Although there are many food festivals in Brighton, an-an has not applied for any at the moment.
an-an will visit them all with my children. If you see me, please say hi♪

Here is the schedule.

3rd(Thu)11:30 - 14:00
   Japanese Cafe oo-my The nearest BR station: 10 min. on foot from Portslade
   Cornerstones Church, Hove
  10th(Thu)11:30 - 14:00 
   Japanese Cafe oo-my
  17th(Thu)11:30 - 14:00
   Japanese Cafe oo-my
  24th(Thu)11:30 - 14:00
   Japanese Cafe oo-my
   At Croydon Japanese School Parking area
                   Please order in advance.
   At Brighton and Hove Japanese Club 
     Please order in advance.


Once children's schools break off, I won't be able to do so much. So I have made "to-do" list...looooong one. I don't know where to start...

So, I shall go and make more anko(bean paste)...

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Where's spring gone???

Summer, already?
For this last few weeks,  I am feeling strong sunshine on my back. Temperature goes up to 20C.

So, how is Cherry blossom doing? Wow, tulips' buds are getting bigger and bigger.

Oh, I found a lot of eggs of flogs in my pond. I can already see tiny tadpole in those eggs...they are moving!!!

I really cannot get used to the swift change of seasons.


On the way to hospital yesterday, I saw a cherry tree fully blooming.
The sky was too blue that I could not believe it is still in the middle of March.
It was snowing around today last year. Oh, dear...


The problem is Sakuramochi. This is presenting cherry blossom. In an-an's calender, Sakuramochi comes on April, but I shall bring it on the March menu this year. 

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

March sweets and sales

Gust, hailstones and daffodils.

It's very British Spring.
Every five minutes, sky is changing into blue and gray....and dark black. 

Why can't we have a calm beautiful early spring day like Japanese???

Here is the line-ups of March sweets.

*Uguisu Mochi £1.30/pce

*Umenoka £1.30/pce

*Sanshoku Dango £1.30/stick

*Daifuku Mochi(Koshi・Tsubu)£1.00/pce

I will make more variety of sweets for larger events. Please pop in.

Buy the way, I am always asked about Strawberry Mochi and Sakura Mochi. Sakura mochi will be avairable in April, Strawberry Mochi will come when British Strawberries are on supermarkets' shelves. Please be patient.


Here is the sales schedules.

3/3(Mon)around 11 o'clock~ 
   Cornerstones Church, Hove
  6(Thu)around 11 O'clock~ 
   Japanese Cafe oo-my only 10 min on foot fm BR・Portslade
  8(Sat)around 12 O'clock~
          Croydon Japanese School (Hoshuko)
   Pre-order only
           around 15 O'clock~ 
   Brighton and Hove Japanese Club 
   Pre-order only fro non-members
  13(Thu)around 11 O'clock~ 
   Japanese Cafe oo-my only 10 min on foot fm BR・Portslade
   Brighton and Hove Japanese Club Open Day
     *Please check the website for more detail.
  20(Thu)around 11 O'clock~ 
   Japanese Cafe oo-my only 10 min on foot fm BR・Portslade
  27(Thu)around 11 O'clock~ 
   Japanese Cafe oo-my only 10 min on foot fm BR・Portslade
  29(Sat)round 15 O'clock~ 
   Brighton and Hove Japanese Clubブライトン&ホーブ日本語クラブ 
   Pre-order only fro non-members

From Next month, I deliver to Cornerstones Church on the first Mondays. It is a part of Japanese Toddler Group. If you have any inquiry, please send me a mail.
If you would like to organize a group delivery of an-an sweets every month, please write to


It has been such a nice weather in the past few days...
I need to be more active....not.
I am locked myself in my kitchen and prepare for the up coming BIG event...
See me there, if you can.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Tomorrow is "Girls' Festival!(Hinamatsuri)"

It's already March!
In my garden, yellow daffodils are blooming proudly.

Spring has come!!!

I am so sorry not to write this blog for so long. After I got ill in Japan, my energy level has not come back to normal yet. Whenever I make sweets, I just flatten in my bed without uploading onto here.

I always take some photos to upload here!!!
I will show the photos soon.


so, March means "Hinamatsuri" for Japanese.
It is a festival for girls to wish a good wedding and married life to come.

Girls doesn't mean young female... A big girls are "Girls", too!

Here is the this year's Ohinasama sweets.
These are made of Nerikiri.
White bean paste coloured and shaped.
The groom has smooth adzuki bean paste inside 
and the green colour come from Japanese Macha Green tea.

Yesterday, I took them to Japanese Schools and passing-by screamed,


That's made my day.

I will have a delivery tomorrow morning towards Brighton, so if you want to buy the set, please let me know before 8pm tonight.

I should have done this at least weeks ago, but I am not organized at all... and I wasn't confident I could make them...

I did this drawings 2 days ago... it triggered.

Here is a group photo.

It was a have happy ending for all...


There are so many spring sweets on my list.
The detail comes on the next blog.

I shall go and cook beans... bye for now.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

an-an is back to UK!

an-an is now back from Japan!

Aww...There were so many thing happened and I don't know where to start.

On the 1st of January, my mother broke her wrist bone and needing to have a complicated operation to connect her shattered bones.  

On the 3rd of January, I caught a cold.... really bad one. 
It progressed to inner ear infection with high fever.

I managed to flew here with a strong pain killer, but my ears are not functioning normally.


It's still quite difficult to stand still, as I lost the sense of balance.
It will be difficult to serve sweets, as I have hearing difficulty.


I will let you know when I can come to sell my sweets at oo-my here.
Till then, I try to upload my eventful Japanese trip.

I can still write this blog! Yes!
So keep watching this space!

Here is the photo I had a lunch at my mum's hospital.
Kaki-Fry lunch set.
(breaded deep-fried oyster lunch set.)
It was yum!